Demos, Classes & Events


Claude is available to teach or demonstrate basic or advanced woodturning techniques. He has award winning experience and is available for your group or for one-on-one sessions.

He is located in Canterbury, NH.

Class dates for 2025 at SMF are:

Bowl Turning Basics #1 April 11, 12 and 13th

Bowl Turning Basics #2 May 9, 10 and 11th

Alumni October 11th (by invitation only)

Pepper Mill October 18th

Bowl Turning Basics #3 September 12, 13 and 14th

Tunning Snowmen and Trees for the Holidays November 8th.

I am teaching classes at Sanborn Mills Farm’s newly renovated woodworking shop. Be the first to sign up for a class at: Bowl Turning Basics - Sanborn Mills Farm



“I was very happy I attended Claude’s 2-day basic class.  I drove home each day thinking about what I learned and how I would continue to turn!  
Claude used different teaching models to explain how and why things needed to be done.  I learned every step in the process, from the rough cutting of a felled tree to the final sanding with very fine steel wool.   He showed the different set-ups for sharpening, demonstrated how to turn with different gouges, and how to accommodate various home machines and spaces.  Safety practices and sawdust removal was made a priority and the class’s conversations were helpful and enjoyable.

Claude clearly showed how to hold the gouges and demonstrated repeatedly until I was able to do it myself.  I left on the second day with a beautiful turned bowl of maple which now sits proudly on my kitchen table!  Even though this class focused on solid bowls, Claude also showed the basic process for turning segmented bowls and spindles which was interesting. 

Claude’s years of turning all kinds of wood shined through when he showcased his wide variety of bowls and vessels.  Catalogs and books were available to look through along with hot coffee and a snack upon our arrival in the morning.  This class set me up wonderfully to continue my new interest in this wood craft!"



Claude started turning in 2008 and has turned pens, bottle stoppers, pendants, cupcakes, spheres, bowls from green and dry wood. He also turns segmented bowls and vessels. Claude also enjoys teaching woodturning here in my shop, at a local woodworking school and recently signed up to teach classes at Sanborn Mills Farm in September of 2023.

One of his segmented bowls titled "striped Leopard" was selected at a Granite State Wood Turners jury competition to represent the Chapter at the 2011, "Turning 25" AAW symposium in St. Paul Minn. Claude admitted it was an honor and privilege.

He won "Best in Wood Turning" at the League of NH Craftsmen's "Living With Crafts Exhibit" at their Annual Sunapee Craft Fair several times. All were for segmented constructed vessels. His most recent award was at the League’s new exhibit “Arts, Crafts and Design” 2021 for the vase “Blue Horizon”.

Claude has written several Journal articles for the Guild of New Hampshire Woodworkers and was featured on the cover of the Winter 2011 - Vol 3 No 2 issue. An article featuring “Blue Diamond” can be found in Anniversary Issue of the Guild Journal, Spring 2019-Iusse N0.28.

Claude is a Past President of the Guild of New Hampshire Woodworkers and is currently a member of the Board of Directors. Claude is also Past President and current member of the Granite State Wood Turners, a member of the American Association of Woodturners (AAW) and a juried member and Juror at the League of NH Craftsmen.